I was hard up for a post today, so I asked Hammers to suggest a subject for a quick sketch. He came up with "badger," though I'm pretty sure this is not what he had in mind:
click above for larger view
A few people have requested more pics of my noodly cartoon persona. Since my noodly real-life persona is wildly ego-centric, I'm glad to comply. I actually had the "I would rather jump into a pit full of [BLANK]" idea last week, but I couldn't think of a fitting animal to plug in. Badgers seemed a good fit. However, dear reader, I don't want you to think that the sentiment is any less sincere this week rather than last--right now, I would definitely rather jump in a pit full of badgers than deal with... anything.
But I'm all out of badgers.
is this ur attempt at jumping the shark?
will j. ho make it?! tune in friday to find out as he draaws the next panel!
why does noodly cartoon j.ho appear without pupils? i thought the first one was because you were vegging in front of Veronica Mars, which would make many pupil-less. but this sketch definitely requires a frantic look of fear, often shown through the pupils.
gavin's right.
and you should have a trident. or at least a hand grenade.
wow. um. i think you guys are totally missing the gag here... like, the cartoon me is gleefully (and with glazed eyes) jumping into a pit of angry sharp-toothed things, because he doesn't want to deal with real life. get it? no? guys?
as for jumping the shark, that happened a long time ago.
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