I was hanging out with my old crony Jacob, and was struck by inspiration. Here's a sketch of Jacob himself, saying something that he would say:

This is a straight up pen sketch, with verrry little touch-up. Colored in Photoshop, naturally. I'm not much for drawing portraits or caricatures usually, but every now and then I get an uncharacteristic flash of inspiration--those of you who know Jacob in "RL", will, I hope, find this to be a pretty decent likeness.
Check out Jacob's Blog, but only if you like awesome art.
i knew right away it was jacob!
I dont get it.
bah. jacob. bah.
1 d0nt kn0 who0 th1s 1s. 4m 1 m1ss1ng 00t?
lordshen: then my work is done!
illgnosis: nnn.
ren: AGREED.
m3: no.
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