Inexplicably, Jonny Quest's dad, when not garbed in a white scientist's lab coat, or a short smock resembling that of a dental hygienist, was a very sharply dressed man. Here he is, Dr. Benton Quest:

I'll wrap this series up on Friday--be there or be square.
what up Doc B!!! Awesome man!
Awesome! You need to do more iconic characters in the J-Ho style.
Like one can get "Simpsonized" is there a way to get Jasonized?
(my design shouldn't be too far of a stretch)
vinny: :D
helen: wow, that's maybe one of the most flattering things anyone has ever said to me... i can only dream that someday there will be a widespread desire to see iconic characters 'jasonized'... and yes, a jasonized helen, would be pretty basic. lol
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