December 20, 2011

How to get ahead in villainy...

Okay... things are sort of normalizing in my schedule. Kind of. Let's see if I can go back to the old posting-two-times-a-week routine. This week is gonna be a little weird, because I'm posting this on late Tuesday rather than early Tuesday and my post later this week will be Christmas-themed, and you can expect that on Friday or Saturday. But otherwise everything should be back to normal. Sort of. More announcements on that later. Probably.


A whiiile back, my buddy Dylan (AKA Super-Munkyboy) had a contest on the fan-art forums--the goal was to create a new "big bad" for He-Man's rogue's gallery, and the prize was to have the newly created villain drawn by Dylan, Jazyl (AKA Two-Bad), and myself.

The contest actually ended in a tie, and I posted the first winner some time ago. Here's my drawing for the second winner, Gbagok, who created an awesome over-the-top villain named Predicus Rex:

click above for larger view

Gbagok is an incredibly talented artist, easily one of the best on the forums, and that's tough competition. I thought it wise to not try to out-Gbagok Gbagok, so my version of his character is a bit simplified, falling in line w/ my usual vintage-style Masters of the Universe dawings, whereas Gbagok tends to go with the more elaborate 200x style.

You can check out the thread here, and see the other prize drawings here.

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