More vector fun...

I'll be brief today: I'm starting to get a better handle on this vector stuff, i think. I'm satisfied with most of my color choices and gradient placement on this one, but I need to work on my vector drawing skillz--I should probably start playing around with different brushes rather than sticking to strictly uniform lines. As for subject matter, this cow has no particular significance--just a little doodle that I decided to vectorize.
I'll be brief today: I'm starting to get a better handle on this vector stuff, i think. I'm satisfied with most of my color choices and gradient placement on this one, but I need to work on my vector drawing skillz--I should probably start playing around with different brushes rather than sticking to strictly uniform lines. As for subject matter, this cow has no particular significance--just a little doodle that I decided to vectorize.
Its really cute actually, if notfor the evil green eyes. Its trying to hypnotise you.
"Milk me...MILK ME"
Sorry dude, its one of those weeks ;)
What's your vector, victor?
I really like the vector work. Keep it up!
th1s 0n3 1s th3 r0x0rz!!111
how cute... u did a portrait of ur mom...
i like it...i will say brushes can be the death of a vector illo though. they take forever to load are difficult to manipulate...personally, i think they are more trouble then they are worth. but that's just me...and i don't insult your mama.
WOW this is GREAT! Your vector work has improved GREATLY in such a short time.
I really wish I knew how to do all of this stuff. If you check out Ickthia's thread, you'll notice I've finally begun playing with my tablet and photoshop... still a long way to go though... Can I get you to teach me a class! LOL... no but really? haha
lookin' good j.ho
I suggest a combination of your sketchblog posts by making your own olympic events demonstrated by the 2008 mascots with your developing vector skills...
super-munkyboy: lol... thanks dude! going by the eyes, the jury is out on whether this cow is evil, lobotomized, or both. :D
blake: my wingman and fellow tofu-lover! thanks man, i appreciate it!
the doodler: ah the kids and their l33t speak! thank you!
refuses to...: you're fired!
ren: thanks ren, for the advice and for not insulting my mama. for anyone else reading--ren is one of the vector sages whom i consult regularly--check out her blog, she posts cool vector art every now and then!
patrick: thanks buddy! your tablet stuff is coming along pretty nicely--ilustrator/vector stuff is pretty tough to explain without being there in person--but feel free to PM me on the forums if you need any photoshop pointers--that's something that's a little easier to explain from a remote location.
gavin: thank you sir... good suggestion--i probably will try to draw my own version of the olympic mascots--but i'll save it for next summer when its a bit more current on everyone's minds.
Lookin' good!
I'd love to see a landscape or background from you though (doesn't have to vector either.)
Your work is always great and quite fun and I'd enjoy to see how you would tackle an environment (style and colour wise...) Actually, maybe I'll start up a small weekly or bi-weekly art jam (like everybody doesn't have enough to do already ;) )
thanks ric--from a vector master like yourself, that really means a lot me!
i confess, backgrounds are not my strong point, but i will do my best to step up to the challenge at the Practice Makes Perfect art jam!
(check it out in the links everyone!)
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