did get a
mohawk this past weekend. I
did not get a pet
crocodile. Which is fortunate...
for my enemies.

I've been lazy/tired/whatevs, so this was a last minute deal. I'm happy with it, which I guess means that I should work under pressure more often.
im going to get u a croc for your b-day... and a chemistry set... then u can make your own Killer Croc with samples of your DNA and that of the croc... ok, it'll be more like Noodly Armed Croc, but whatevah.
Nice coloring.
Awesome!! Looks like you're controlling the croc with your mind powers!
My favorite in quite awhile. Do more of these random pics and less of the He-Man stuff. I like the He-Man stuff, but we've seen a lot of it.
Too bad I didn't get to see the new 'do in person! Sorry for the last invite. We totally had a glitch where a bunch of people we initially invited (or so we thought) ended up not on the list. Would you have come anyway?
I AGREE! He-Man is okay and all, but I wanna see more HO'riginals (pause for sweeping comic effect to wash over). What kind of insane wacky original characters are lurking in that braino of yours?
don: ooh, i like that. i might have to steal that idea.
gavin: never enough he-man! NEVER! but thanks.
jodi: hey jodi, i'll try and make sure i'm freshly 'hawked next time i see you!
helen: ho'riginals... that's money in the bank! yeah, my brain is filled with great junk.
lord shen: thanks dude, i'll be eagerly awaiting my birthday croc later this year.
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